When you can track, why just watch
You can run but can’t escape. Smart intelligence enabled security cameras for both personal and public use.
Internet of Things (IoT) has found multiple use-cases when it comes to our homes. Smart home security and surveillance is one of them. This work presents a prototype of a smart security system that works with photos instead of videos. Not only such a system is more cost-efficient but it is also one that limits internet traffic. On particular triggers, the system clicks a photo, and in case if it is some person who triggered the system, the taken image is labeled using a facial recognition service which labels the person based on the images uploaded by the system’s user/s via a mobile application beforehand. This paper also presents a secure and reliable mechanism for remote switching of the house’s doors using the same mobile application. An added feature in the door-lock switching mechanism is that of an onsite greeting system.
•Personal home:
ØGives remote access of the locks to the user
ØUser can see the persons who want to enter their house
ØGet the details of the person using face recognition
ØMake decisions on the same
•Public sector:
ØCriminal detection and tracking
ØIf the criminal even gets out of the range of one camera, he will fall into the range of another camera. Hence criminals can be tracked indirectly
ØOptimized image clicking intervals
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